The 2024 GLCC meeting will take place from Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th September at the Horton Grand Hotel in San Diego.

We are expecting representatives from many of our 40 member organisations worldwide to attend, along with colleagues from Incisive Health.

The meeting will hear updates on the body of work carried out by the GLCC throughout 2023/24, including the addition of new factsheets and the creation of a resource focused on organisations providing help and support to people whose lung cancers are driven by actionable biomarkers.

There will be updates on the 2024 Patient Experience Survey, the latest developments in the overarching study of lung cancer research across the globe, and the potential use of date from our Consumer Poll.

We look forward to bringing you a summary of proceedings after the meeting.

To all travelling to San Diego for the meeting and/or the IASLC World Conference on Lung Cancer, we wish you a safe and comfortable journey.
