Journalism Awards 2018

USA members present Special Recognition award

The four GLCC member oganisations within the USA give the Special Recognition award for excellence in journalism to Dan Raz M.D.

Dr Raz receives the award from Carolyn ‘Bo’ Aldigé, President and Founder of the Prevent Cancer Foundation  

Co-director of the Lung Cancer and Thoracic Oncology Program, assistant professor in the division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Dr Raz is also a Thoracic Surgeon at the City of Hope National Medical Center.

This award was made in recognition of the consistent excellence of his work in raising awareness of lung cancer, and in particular, the following article, which appeared in the Los Angeles Daily News:


The importance of lung cancer screening


PUBLISHED: May 19, 2018 at 6:00 am | UPDATED: May 21, 2018

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women and men and accounts for nearly 27 percent of all cancer deaths. Each year, over 200,000 new cases will be diagnosed in the United States. More people die of lung cancer than breast, colon and prostate cancer combined.

While the search for a cure continues, there have been many promising developments including targeted therapy drugs and immunotherapy and minimally invasive, robotic-assisted surgery.

One of the best ways to fight lung cancer is through early detection. Most patients who have lung cancer detected at its earliest stage can be cured. Current guidelines recommend screening for smokers between the ages of 55 and 74 if they have smoked the equivalent of a pack a day for 30 years, and if they are still smoking or have quit some time during the past 15 years.

Unfortunately, primary care doctors only refer a small minority of patients at risk of developing the disease for screenings. In a study we did of 250 primary care doctors in Los Angeles, nearly half were not aware of lung cancer screening recommendations. We also identified several misconceptions about lung cancer screenings including:

• Many are not aware that health insurance pays for lung cancer screening for high-risk current or former smokers. Health insurance, including Medicare, covers screenings for people between the ages of 55 and 77 who have smoked a pack a day for 30 years and still smoke, or for those who have quit within the past 15 years.

• Many are not aware of the benefits of lung cancer screening. A study by the National Cancer Institute found that screening could reduce lung cancer mortality rates by at least 20 percent. The U.S. Preventive Task Force, American Cancer Society and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, among others, recommend yearly screenings for patients who are at high risk of developing lung cancer.

• Lung cancer screening is cost effective.  In fact, lung cancer screening is more cost effective than mammography and the benefits are greater for female smokers.

The test for lung cancer is simple and quick — in one deep breath, we can take a scan of a patient’s entire chest. It is important for at-risk patients to have the screening done at a comprehensive cancer center to make sure they get an accurate CT scan utilizing the lowest dose of radiation.

The low-dose CT scan (1mSv) that is used for lung cancer screening uses far less radiation than the standard CT scans, and the amount used is only slightly higher than the radiation dose used in a standard mammogram. Although radiation may increase the risk of developing certain cancers, for those at high risk for lung cancer, the value of screening far outweighs the minimal risks of radiation.

Approximately 15 percent of all lung cancer screens will identify a lung nodule of a certain size that requires additional scans or testing.  Most of the time all that is needed to determine if an abnormality is cancerous is to repeat the CT scan in several months to determine if there is growth of the nodule. Fortunately, the large majority of lung cancers identified with lung cancer screening can be cured with minimally invasive techniques.

Lung cancer is a deadly disease, but by catching it early patients have a much greater chance at beating it.

UK members unanimously select BBC’s Clive Coleman for Excellence in Journalism Award to mark ‘turning point’ reports

Clive Coleman receives the UK GLCC Award for Excellence in Journalism from Lorraine Dallas of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, representing the three UK members. 

Lung cancer can affect anyone, at any age, whether or not they have ever smoked. Every year, in the UK, lung cancer claims over 35,000 lives.

The BBC’s Legal Affairs Correspondent, Clive Coleman, knows the reality of this all too well.

His younger sister, Sarah, died of the disease in December 2017.

Spurred by his shock and anger at Sarah’s untimely death, Clive was determined to do all he possibly could to help prevent other families having to experience such crushing sorrow.

So, in early 2018, he contacted Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation to begin his journey of discovery about lung cancer, its causes, the myths and misconceptions surrounding it, and the strenuous efforts of those seeking to prevent the disease claiming more lives.

The outcome was a remarkable series of reports across BBC television, radio and online channels, which revealed how lung cancer had claimed his sister’s life far too early, even though she had never smoked and rigorously followed a healthy lifestyle.

Clive’s reports also highlighted how the disease affects people from all walks of life, including many who have never smoked.

His contribution helped change media awareness of lung cancer and the many issues surrounding the disease, including stigma. This brought extra benefits to the overall lung cancer landscape too, which were also recognised by all three UK member organisations within the GLCC, namely the British Lung Foundation, the National Lung Cancer Forum for Nurses, and Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.

The three organisations unanimously chose Clive Coleman to receive the UK GLCC Excellence in Journalism Award for these outstanding, insightful and influential reports.

The award was presented to Clive at a special lunchtime ceremony held at the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall, central London. Making the presentation, Lorraine Dallas, Director of Support and Prevention, Information and Support at Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, said:

“Lung cancer remains a disease too often shunted into the shadows, not to be discussed. But if we are to reduce its savage impact on the health of the UK and the rest of the world, we must talk about it, and we must help people to be aware of its signs and symptoms and dispel the myths and misconceptions that too often cause confusion.

“These excellent reports, across the BBC’s many outlets, have really raised the profile of lung cancer and may well have helped to save lives. We are delighted to acknowledge the true excellence of Clive’s journalism, and this award reflects that. Those of us working in lung cancer advocacy see this as a turning-point in terms of public awareness. Our thanks to him, and to his newsgathering colleagues at the BBC.’’

Clive responded: ‘’Many thanks for this.  It is an award tinged with the greatest sadness, but I am very pleased that the journalism had an effect.’’

Footnote: Clive Coleman was BBC News Legal Correspondent from 2010 to 2020.

Sinos Group journalist Daniela Moraes receives the GLCC Brazil Award for Excellence in Journalism

Brazil, 3 March 2019 

Daniela Moraes, a journalist with the Sinos Group, has been given the GLCC Journalism Award for the article, ‘Her Lungs Deserve Care’, published on 3 December 2018 in the book, ‘Living With Health’, which was included in the newspapers NH, VS and Diário de Canoas.

Daniela Moraes with the Brazil GLCC Excellence in Journalism Award 

Her report addressed lung cancer issues, including details of treatments and recent advances in therapies, using the stories of those living with the disease to illustrate these points.

Daniela said, “This award is a recognition of the work of the journalist in presenting information that can help to transform people’s lives.”

The award recognises journalists who publish articles about lung cancer and the people it affects within Brazil, acknowledging the role they play in sharing clear information and raising  public awareness of the disease and the issues surrounding it.

According to Oncoguia, Daniela’s report was chosen for the quality of its content, which “humanised lung cancer by sharing patients’ stories. It helped readers to better understand the reality of the disease and advances in personalised medicine and immunotherapy,

The President of Oncoguia Institute, Luciana Holtz, added, “It is important that issues such as these are addressed by publications that can reach so many people. Journalists have an important role in the dissemination of information and Oncoguia believes in the potential of this particularly professional journalist in contributing to the population being made more aware of cancer-related topics”.

Margaret Hawkins wins the Irish Cancer Society award

The Irish Cancer Society has presented journalist Margaret Hawkins with the GLCC Excellence in Journalism award for her coverage of lung cancer during the Society’s annual Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2018.

Margaret’s article in the Irish Farmers’ Journal discussed the lack of awareness of lung cancer symptoms and how the disease is often only diagnosed at a late stage via emergency department presentation.

Margaret Hawkins being presented with the Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC) award, for coverage of lung cancer, by Aoife McNamara, Information Development Manager with the Irish Cancer Society

Her articles also highlighted the fact that nine out of 10 cases are linked to smoking and that although there has been much progress in this area, there is still a long way to go.

An interview with Kevin O’Hagan, Cancer Prevention Manager, at the Irish Cancer Society concluded the article, which also touched on Margaret’s personal experience of the disease that killed her father in law.

Leonardo Cenci – patient, survivor, runner, champion – and winner of the ALCASE award

Our tribute to a remarkable man

The 2018 winner of the ALCASE (Italy) GLCC Journalism Award was Leonardo Cenci, a lung cancer patient who became an international celebrity.

Leonardo was the first person in the world to enter and complete two consecutive New York Marathons while receiving treatment for active metastatic cancer.

Leonardo Cenci 

His book about his life as a runner and patient advocate, “Vivi, ama, corri. Avanti tutta!”, has inspired thousands of cancer patients throughout Italy and worldwide.

Leonardo was given the Alcase Excellence in Journalism Award both for his book and for raising awareness of lung cancer. He was subsequently presented with the award during the fourth ALCASE National Meeting.

Then, sadly, in February 2019, came news of his death, brought to us in an urgent update from Dr Gianfranco Buccheri, Medical Director of ALCASE Italia. Dr Buccheri wrote:

“Very sadly I have to inform you that Leonardo Cenci, a hero to thousands of Italian cancer patients, is dead.  

He appeared to be in very good shape during our national meeting, when I awarded him with the National ALCASE-GLCC award – which you can see here.  

Yet, just three months later, he lost his battle with cancer.

We in ALCASE, are very deeply shocked, as are thousands of friends from all over the country: “

Now, Dr Buccheri has added the following: 

“More than six years ago, after having been given four months to live, Leonardo decided not to even think about it, because he had too many dreams and too many things to do.

Leo apologised to his mother for his “incurable disease” (a stage 4 lung cancer that had spread to the brain and to other parts of the body) so he celebrated New Year’s Eve in November. He then rolled up his shirt sleeves and went to work he worked making the best use of time he had remaining time.

A marathon runner, Leonardo challenged his cancer: “If I keep on running, will you keep up with me?”. And his guest – as he called his cancer – had to resign to following him to New York in two different marathons. Last year Leonardo broke his personal record, completing the New York marathon in 4 hours and 6 minutes. He dedicated his achievement to all cancer patients.

Ever willing, Leo decided to build a new life, moving heaven and earth to improve the life of all cancer patients. He founded a non-profit organisation, named “Avanti Tutta!“ (in English: Go ahead!), that materially helps hundreds of patients in Perugia, the beautiful city where he lived in the centre of Italy.

Soon, thousands of patients around the country started to follow him on social media, receiving (and giving back) strength, encouragement, and positive attitude.

In 2018, he wrote a book, “LIVE, LOVE, RUN. Go ahead!”, which soon became a best seller

Every single page of his book testifies Leonardo’s will to make his points understood:

✓ being sick does not mean having to surrender

✓ hope does not mean illusion

✓ being aware does not mean giving up

Unexpectedly, and very sadly, the perfect balance between malignant and healthy cells of his body broke in the late autumn of 2018. Leonardo passed away on January 30 2019″. 

You can read more on the Alcase news page here.
This video is a short but powerful introduction to Leo’s life and achievements.
Finally, here’s a small selection of chapters and quotes from Leo’ s book in an English translation, exclusive to the GLCC.
Thank you Leonardo. 

Prof Dr Wanda de Kanter wins the Netherlands 2018 Excellence in Journalism Award

The lung specialist was nominated for her campaign to prevent smoking. The presentation was made by lung cancer patient Anne Marie van Veen, who herself won the same Award for 2017.  Sadly, Anne Marie has since died.   

Every single day Prof Wanda de Kanter makes a difference to Dutch lung cancer care. She is a lung specialist at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital in Amsterdam.

On November 3rd she received the GLCC Journalism Award for 2018, nominated by the Durtch Cancer Patientsboard for her “strong and visible position in Dutch media on prevention of smoking”. Her goal: a smoke-free generation.

Smoking remains by far the biggest cause of lung cancer. For years, Prof de Kanter has been seeing the consequences of smoking amongst her patients. This prompted her to partner with lung cancer patient Anne Marie van Veen to start a law suit against the tobacco industry.

For decades, Prof de Kanter has been fighting lung cancer as a doctor – now she’s taken her fight against the tobacco industry in the courts, and into the media, where she makes people aware of the dangers of smoking. Her dedication to this fight is the reason why she has been nominated for the 2018 award.

As well as being a doctor, she is chair of the board of Prevention of Smoking in Youth, and an active member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Lung Cancer Patientsboard.

Prof de Kanter – Wanda – really makes a difference. Not only in the treatment of people with this deadly disease, but also in smoking prevention and in raising awareness to prevent children from becoming addicted to tobacco. On all these subjects, Wanda, is often featured in the media, reaching out to a wider audience. She has twice won the Dutch Female Media Award. Now, she has been chosen to receive the 2018 GLCC Journalism Award. This was presented at the annual congress for people with lung cancer and their familes, at the Meander Medisch Centrum in Amersfoort.

RESEARCH - The State of Global Lung Cancer Research - 2020 data now published / NEWS - global COVID-19 updates