
The global awards for excellence in journalism recognise excellence in raising awareness of the world’s biggest cancer killer. The awards were launched in 2011 and continue to this day. Each member organisation is encouraged to nominate a recipient.

In recent years we have expanded the definition of  ‘journalism’ to reflect the way that social media and digital platforms are rapidly covering much of the ground previously occupied by mainstream media, such as press, radio and television.

We also recognise that ‘’citizen journalists’ are playing an important role in the way information is shared, and that the outstanding efforts of individuals or groups not part of the mainstream media can often produce outstandingly effective work that significantly raises awareness of lung cancer and matters surrounding it. These efforts too can be recognised with an award; often, in such circumstances, members choose to make a ‘Special Award’ for outstanding contributions.


Journalism & Special Recognition Awards 2021/22

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has changed the picture for so many of us in so many ways, and the GLCC Journalism and Special Recognition Awards have also been affected. As we start to move towards a more open phase of recovery, we hope to update this section more regularly and once again recognise the efforts […]

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Journalism and Special Recognition Awards 2020

The Excellence in Journalism and Special Recognition Awards 2020  UK members honour patient advocate helping make case for national screening programme The three UK GLCC member organisations, Lung Cancer Nursing UK, the British Lung Foundation and Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, unanimously agreed to make a special award to patient advocate Bill Simpson. This award […]

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Journalism Awards 2023

Awards The global awards for excellence in journalism recognise excellence in raising awareness of the world’s biggest cancer killer. The awards were launched in 2011 and continue to this day. Each member organisation is encouraged to nominate a recipient. In recent years we have expanded the definition of  ‘journalism’ to reflect the way that social […]

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Journalism Awards 2019

UK Special Recognition Award presented to lung cancer patient advocate, author and campaigner Sophie Sabbage On Friday 7th June, Mike Grundy, deputy chief executive of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, on behalf of the Foundation and the two other UK GLCC member organisations, the British Lung Foundation and the National Forum for Lung Cancer Nurses, […]

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Journalism Awards 2018

USA members present Special Recognition award The four GLCC member oganisations within the USA give the Special Recognition award for excellence in journalism to Dan Raz M.D. Dr Raz receives the award from Carolyn ‘Bo’ Aldigé, President and Founder of the Prevent Cancer Foundation   Co-director of the Lung Cancer and Thoracic Oncology Program, assistant professor […]

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Journalism Awards 2017

Global Excellence in Journalism Award 2017 goes to Longkanker Nederland nominee Anne Marie van Veen The overall winner of the Excellence in Journalism Awards is confirmed as Anne Marie van Veen. Full details: From Longkanker Netherlands 06-11-2017 Amersfoort – On Saturday, November 4, lung cancer patient Anne Marie van Veen received the GLCC Journalism Award […]

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Journalism Awards 2016

ALCASE Italia nominate the overall global winner of the GLCC Excellence in Journalism Award 2016 Paola Staccioli and Serena Ranieri take both national and overall prizes for their blog, ‘The O2’  ALCASE Italy decided to give the prestigious Lung Cancer Journalism Award to the authors of the blog The O2, created for OncoLine by Paola Staccioli, writer and […]

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Journalism Awards 2015

Lung Cancer Journalism Awards 2015 The overall GLCC prize for Excellence in Lung Cancer Journalism in 2015 has been awarded to Sander de Hosson for his candid and moving article, ‘The Final Couplet’. Sander de Hosson receives the Netherlands 2015 Global Lung Cancer Journalism Award from Monique van Orden of Lung Netherlands Sander de Hosson is […]

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Journalism Awards 2014

Lung Cancer Journalism Awards 2014 Robert Peston receives global lung cancer journalism award BBC business editor Robert Peston has received an international award in recognition of his “tireless efforts” to increase awareness of lung cancer. Robert’s wife Siân Busby died from the disease in September 2012 aged just 51, having never smoked a cigarette in […]

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Journalism Awards 2012/13

Lung Cancer Journalism Awards 2012/3 Winners of the Lung Cancer Journalism Awards for 2012/13  Canada – presented by the Canadian Lung Association. The award was presented to André Picard at the Globe & Mail for “Lung cancer is a woman’s disease” Pictured below: Journalist André Picard receives the Canadian Lung Cancer Journalism Award from Mary-Pat Shaw, acting president […]

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Journalism Awards 2011

Lung Cancer Journalism Awards 2011 Winners of the Lung Cancer Journalism Awards for 2011 Presented by ALCASE Italia The 2011 Global Lung Cancer Coalition Excellence in Journalism Award  was presented to journalist Matthew Mastromauro by Dr Gianfranco Buccheri and Dr Domenico Ferrigno on behalf of ALCASE Italia. The award ceremony took place during Lung Cancer […]

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Global Award for excellence

Global Award for excellence in lung cancer journalism What is the Global Lung Cancer Journalism Award? The Global Award for excellence in lung cancer journalism was launched by the Global Lung Cancer Coalition (GLCC) in November 2011 to recognise one journalist, or media outlet, which has excelled in raising awareness of the world’s biggest cancer killer. The overall […]

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The global awards for excellence in journalism recognise excellence in raising awareness of the world’s biggest cancer killer.

RESEARCH - The State of Global Lung Cancer Research - 2020 data now published / NEWS - global COVID-19 updates